Close the gap between where your business stands and where you want it to be! Zoho One is an integrated suite of 45+ applications with advanced enterprise-class capabilities that multiply the ROI for your business. Manage your sales, marketing, finance, human resources, operations, and much more with this easy-to-use, all-in-one solution.


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Why Choose ZOHO One

Advanced solution addressing the needs of CXOs, leaders, managers, and frontline employees of all business functions

Enterprise-Class Solutions

Brings enterprise-class solutions to SMBs and growing businesses.

Business Growth

Helps businesses grow with easy-to-use, enterprise-class capabilities.

Customer Insights

Provides consumer insights for smarter decisions.

Sales & Marketing

Ensures sales and marketing initiatives align

Global Expansion

Enables global expansion.


Allows for processing efficiencies and revenue gains at departmental levels

Sales Cycle

Reduce sales cycle

Technological Solutions

Allocate users with the right technological solutions resulting in evidential difference.

What can ZOHO One do for your business?

Zoho One addresses the unique needs and issues of each
business role.

Let's Work Together!

Starting from an initial feasibility study, continuing through successful implementation, and following up with any needs you may have afterwards, a team of qualified consultants are always at your service to help you achieve the best results for your business.

We Are The Experts You Need

We work with you to create a custom solution that works best for your needs. We have many years of experience in providing businesses like yours with the solutions they need and are happy to provide quotes on any project, big or small. Basecode is dedicated to delivering quality products and services at affordable prices


Turnkey Solutions

Starting from an initial feasibility study, continuing through successful implementation, and following up with any needs you may have afterwards, our team of qualified consultants are always at your service to help you achieve the best results for your business.

  • End-to-end business consultancy.
  • In-depth feasibility study to understand all possible business use cases

Zoho One Training

  • Get trained by Zoho experts.
  • Choose to get trained online or have an expert instructor flown out to your organization to administer a training program custom-made for your business.
  • In-depth Zoho One Training for Administrators to set up, configure and maintain Zoho One
  • Training for Admins, Developers, Sales Managers and Sales Representatives